Jan 30, 2008

Shop for stuff

For the curious ones I've opened a Le_monade shop.

Curious bird

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Jan 28, 2008

50 bricks

I wanted to be a pilot...
Originally uploaded by wasta
Lego celebrates 50 years.

Back in in the 90s I was so eager to get my Lego box that I ... ahm... kind of... slept with my brand new lego airport the night my father brought it home. :)

Jan 15, 2008

Is Apple going mainstream?

Originally uploaded by brandlyyours
"The cult of Mac really isn't a cult any more."
"Since the iPod, it's gone mainstream. The iPod and the iPhone brought in lots of everyday people who were thinking about making the switch."

This is Leander Kahney's opinion. (he writes for Wired News and is the author of "Cult of Mac")

via SFgate

Data seems to support his views: google trends shows an upward trend for "apple" and "mac"
I know, apples are also fruits. But since nothing important has happened to apples in the last 3 years, i assume the upward trend is generated by newcomers or intenders searching for apple and mac info :)

PS: with less than 5 hours left until the keynote, I'll get back to my keynote-bingo card:
1.) Apple Air, the new virtual mobile operator from Apple (Apple's own MVNO business)
2.) Leopard unleashed to PC's as well

Hm... I have never won at bingo. Yet :))